For over 150 years, the people of The Cross Church have given financially to serve the community and to spread God’s fame. When you contribute through The Cross Church you are a significant part of helping us love our community and take God’s love around the world. Thank you for your generous and faithful support of the vision and mission of The Cross Church. We love seeing what the Lord does through your generosity!
Ways to Give
A gift of cash is a simple way to make a gift. Cash makes an immediate impact on the vision and mission of The Cross Church.
Give a one-time gift or schedule a recurring gift directly through your bank account, credit or debit card.
Text “SPREADHISFAME” TO 73256. Standard text message rates apply.
Send contributions by mail to:
The Cross Church
200 N. Ballard Ave.
Wylie, TX 75098
Giving boxes are located in and around the worship center. In addition, an external dropbox is located outside of the receptionist area at 200 N. Ballard Avenue if it is more convenient for you to deliver a check before or after business hours.
What is Tithing?
A tithe – which means “tenth” – is defined as the first 10% of a person’s income that is given back to the local church. Tithing is a principle that is taught throughout the entire Bible. When we tithe we are expressing our worship in a tangible way by putting God first in our lives.
Bringing our tithes is an opportunity for us to give God our thanks, show God we trust Him, and fight against greed in our hearts…all while allowing us to be a part of the most important work in life – SPREADING GOD’S FAME.
If you would like to read more about what the Bible says about tithing, check out these passages:
Leviticus 27:30, Proverbs 3:9-10, Malachi 3:6-10, Matthew 6:19-24, 1 Corinthians 16:1-2
90-Day Challenge
Here’s what it is going to look like: give the first 10% of your income by tithing for three months.
We are so confident that God will be faithful to His promise (Malachi 3:10-12) that we will refund 100% of the money you give during the 90-Day Challenge if you do not feel that God has blessed you in some way in your life since you began tithing – no questions asked.
We only ask three things:
- Let us know that you are taking the challenge. Start by emailing Pastor Kris at kris@thecross.com. Just simply write “I want to take the 90-Day Challenge.”
- Give in a way that we can keep track. Give your contributions online or by check.
- Give with the right heart. Give to give, don’t give to get.
We believe that God will do incredible things in your life over the next 90 days. If you do not experience a season of growth in your relationship with Him, let us know. Because if God does not show up in your life during this season of giving, we will refund all of the money you give during the 90-Day Challenge.
It's about what we want for you, not from you.

The Generosity Ladder
We believe that each person is given a test each time they receive their paycheck. The test is: “Who am I going to thank for my income? Who will I thank for my increase?” Will I thank Visa? My mortgage company? God? Malachi 3 teaches us to bring the tithe (10% of our gross income) into the house of God. When we do this, two things are promised:
- God will open the windows of heaven and pour out so much blessing on us that we will not have enough room to receive it.
- He will rebuke Satan (“the Devourer”) for our sakes. He will prevent him from holding us back. We will be called “Blessed.”
We all fall somewhere on the Generosity Ladder:
- Maybe we are going to give for the very first time.
- Maybe we have given occasionally but not consistently.
- Maybe we have given something but not 10%.
- Maybe we have learned this principle of tithing and are Blessed.
- Maybe we have given above and beyond what God has asked us to give through offerings and extravagant gifts.
Wherever you are on this ladder, we encourage you to test God in the area of your finances and see if He is true to His word. This is the only area of the Bible where we are told to TEST GOD.